"Viste como es cuando te encontrás con alguien y decís: no te conozco pero mi corazón sabe quién sos"
Y yo pensé que no, no sé como es.
Pero si que debe ser hermoso.
1 comentario:
Intriguing article. I know I’m a bit late in posting my comment but the article was to the point and merely the knowledge I'd been in search of. I can’t say which i trust all you could mentioned but it was emphatically fascinating! BTW…I found your web site via a Google search. I’m a frequent visitor on your blog all of which will return again soon. Tramadol.
1 comentario:
Intriguing article. I know I’m a bit late in posting my comment but the article was to the point and merely the knowledge I'd been in search of. I can’t say which i trust all you could mentioned but it was emphatically fascinating! BTW…I found your web site via a Google search. I’m a frequent visitor on your blog all of which will return again soon. Tramadol.
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